New Moon Mycology Summit 2019

Thurman, New York

 During the second week of August 2019, The Mycelium Underground hosted and organized the New Moon Mycology Summit in Thurman, New York. The land and venue site was graciously donated by Martins Lumber + their family.

A variety of videos uploaded on our Youtube channel from the NMMS 2019 are available here

List of our contributors + presenters for the NMMS 2019

Emma Percy - Nova Patch - Geraldine Lavin - Antonia Perez - Robin Gunkel - Carl AP Ruck - Olga Tzogas - Doga Tekin - Alyssa Rooks - Ben Kessler - Christine Moss - Deborah Owens - John Michelotti - Elli Mazeres - Dr. Patty Kaishian - Kwame Baskerville - 7Song - Ginger Brooks Takahashi - Mario Ceballos - Rikki Longino - Jan Thornhill - Ava Arvest - Mercedes Perez Whitman - Esteban Orozco - Tusha Yakovleva - William Padilla-Brown - Willoughby Arevalo - Mallory O'Donell - Nance Klehm - Tess Burzynski - Zach Elfers - Yarelix Estrada - Tugrul Deluce